Menstrual Migraine

First topical preventive therapy for menstrual migraine

  • Two-thirds of premenopausal female migraine sufferers self-report that migraine attacks consistently occur during around menses.
  • These headaches have been referred to as “menstrual migraine.”
  • Menstrual migraine attacks are more severe, disabling, and refractory to abortive medications than those that are non-menses related.

Strategies for Migraine Treatment

  • NSAIDs have been shown to provide efficacy in menstrual migraine but limited by systemic toxicity.
  • Non-systemic topically applied therapies are ideal for chronic use.

Topofen™ has shown efficacy in the treatment
and prophylaxis of migraine

Achelios Therapeutics aims to overcome this and other pain-related conditions.